Andrea Plawutsky from Amplify Me on: Becoming China Ready, 8 Tips for Tapping into a New Market & Selling Benefits not Features

Becoming China Ready, 8 Tips for Tapping into a New Market & Selling Benefits not Features

Andrea Plawutsky is the Director of Amplify Me, a Tourism Consultancy specialising in the Chinese market. Andrea and I have crossed paths at numerous industry events and functions. I value her perspective on a wide range of industry related topics. In particular, I was interested to chat with Andrea about the growth of the inbound Chinese visitor market, and discuss …

Andrea Plawutsky from Amplify Me on: Becoming China Ready, 8 Tips for Tapping into a New Market & Selling Benefits not Features

85. Andrea Plawutsky on: Becoming China Ready, 8 Tips for Tapping into a New Market & Selling Benefits not Features

Andrea Plawutsky is the Director of Amplify Me, a Tourism Consultancy specialising in the Chinese market. Andrea spent numerous years living in China, learning the language and building a solid understanding of the Chinese culture. With over twenty-years experience in tourism and travel, one service Andrea provides is to guide Australian business owners through the process of becoming ‘China Ready’. …

51. Danella Mitchell on The Changing Expectations of Guests, Technology’s Role Within The Industry and Prioritising Staff Training

The modern age has seen great changes within the hospitality industry. From the advancement and use of technology to the diversity and shift in the caravanning demographic, big changes are occurring. Keeping up is half the challenge, and understanding how to navigate those changes is something of an art, and takes a bit of experience. Each Monday, join Adrian Easdown …