Three Top Tips on Confronting Bad Reviews

No matter what industry you’re in, everyone at one time or another will get that bad review. And, of course, that bad review is the one that sticks in your mind. So, what should you do? What’s the best way to respond and how do you move forward? Read on to see what next steps you should take after reading a bad business review.

#1 – Think about Reviews as a Free Accountability Tool

As a business owner, reviews are great. It keeps you accountable because you can’t really hide behind nonsense or your biased view of your own business. So, before unpacking what was said in a bad review, place yourself in the mindset that reviews are a mechanism that you can use to your business’ benefit in the long run. Keeping accountable to your customers will force you to be better at your craft.

#2 – Have an Open Mind

Now, moving onto dissecting the bad review itself. Before getting defensive or immediately trying to disagree with every negative word or intonation by the reviewer, keep an open mind. Look at what was stated as constructive criticism. If someone takes the time to write down their opinion, that means they care, and that’s a good sign. More often than not, the reviewer is thinking critically about your business in ways that you may not have considered. Listen to them.

#3 – Celebrate Small Wins

Whether you agree, disagree or partially agree/disagree with the bad review, you have to accept it. But rather than getting hung up on it, celebrate the small wins. Perspective is important. Pay attention to the wins that you have been able to manage as a business owner. If you play victim due to the one bad review, you will lose morale. So, remember to think about your wins to put everything into perspective.

Bad reviews happen to everyone, whether they are deserved or not. But don’t fear them or let them be debilitating. Shift your thinking and look at reviews as a free accountability tool – have an open mind, and remember to look at the big picture and celebrate small wins. That way, when you do confront bad reviews, you can feel confident that you’re responding in a thoughtful yet practical manner as a business owner.

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