Sustainable Experiences: Giving Guests What They Want

Sustainable Experiences: Giving Guests What They Want

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has declared 2017 the year of sustainable tourism for development, and as such it’s little surprise that upwards of 65% of global travellers indicate they plan to stay at an eco-friendly hotel in 2017. Or that another traveler poll shows high value placed on ‘sustainable travel’ and ‘reducing environmental impact’. As what people …

Virtually New Vacations: The Rise of Virtual Reality in the Travel Industry

Virtually New Vacations: The Rise of Virtual Reality in the Travel Industry

Technology has given people the ability to interact with far-away environments from the comfort of their own lounges. In the tourism industry, Virtual Reality allows prospective vacationers research options and a ‘pre-experience’ to investigate potential holiday spots, from room tours and online destination tours, through to fully immersive holiday experiences. Leading VR creators YouVisit Studios is providing access to the …

If you're not online, You're out of the race

If You’re Not Online, You’re out of the Race

Having an online presence should be your top priority in 2017. Studies show that between 70-80% of people research a company online BEFORE visiting the small business or making a purchase with them. In the tourism industry, this is an incredibly important factor to ensure you have high occupancy rates with your accommodation. Listed below are four free and paid …